The Business Master (4th Edition)
The Business Master - 4th Edition.iso
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Here, you may set the criteria by which you wish to select the records that
will appear on the report. You do so by filling in Hunt Gates, which act as
filters during the hunt. If a hunt gate is left blank, ANY record will be
allowed to pass through (as long as you're doing an AND hunt -- see discussion
below concerning Gate O). But, if you place a character sequence in a hunt
gate, only those records that contain matching character sequences will pass
through. For instance, if you wanted to find all records whose summaries
contain the sequence "bull", you would enter "BULL" at Gate B. The more gates
you fill in, the more discriminating the hunt will be.
-> A question mark in a character sequence acts as a "wildcard"; that is,
during a hunt, ANY character will be allowed in the question mark's position.
For instance, if you entered "B?LL" at Gate B, the hunt would find all records
containing "BULL", "BILL", "BALL", as well as "BILLBOARD", etc.
-> Gates A to D may have up to 10 multiple entries, each separated from the
next by a slash. For instance, if you wanted to find all records whose sum-
maries contain either "bull" or "cow", you would enter "BULL/COW" at Gate B.
-> Exclusionary hunts may be conducted by preceding with a minus sign any
character sequence entered at Gates A to D. For example, to find all records
EXCEPT those whose summaries contain neither "BULL" nor "COW", you would enter
"-BULL/-COW" at gate B. "BULL/-COW" would cause the hunt to find all records
whose summaries contain "BULL", but do NOT also contain "COW".
-> Gate O: An AND hunt will find all records that contain matches for ALL
the gates you've filled in. An OR hunt will find all records that contain a
match for ANY of the records you've filled in.